Home Visitation Services

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Birth & Beyond Home Visitation program offers family support services and resources to pregnant women and families with children in their homes.  We use the Healthy Families America, Parents as Teachers and Nurturing Parenting Program to deliver evidence-based curriculum in positive parenting.  Families are also linked to services at the Family Resource Center and Job Center.

Each year, our team of training home visitors deliver more than 2,000 face-to-face visits with families in their homes. These visits enable the home visitors to better respond to children and parents in an environment the family is comfortable in. Visits include sharing time, parenting information, a parent/child activity and planning for the next visit. Many parents find themselves looking forward to their visits, as so much changes quickly when raising a family

Sharing the Nurturing Parenting philosophy allows home visitors to model the skills necessary to help parents nurture and grow themselves. This gives them the ability to nurture and help their children reach their full potential. Supporting parents through their toughest challenges helps them learn that simply putting one foot in front of the other amounts to climbing great mountains.


Our home visitors often help to stabilize families in crisis by bringing resources and information to secure stable housing, clothing, food, transportation, respite care, furniture, mental health support, employment, school readiness, legal assistance and immigration help. Children are able to avoid the Child Protection System and remain with their families due to Birth & Beyond's curriculum and support.  Home visitors are bilingual, which allows them to effectively serve our community's diverse population. 

If you would like more information about our Home Visitation Services, please contact Marisol Anaya, Home Visitation Manager, at MAnaya@theFCCP.org or by phone at 916-361-8684.